For your travel planning/packing consideration, here are a "few" insights, lists and links...
In a nutshell, we have two very long flights while passing through 10 time zones and will visit and live with an inner city ministry then move to a rural village. Opportunities abound for our hearts to be changed in ways that draw deeper meaning to our lives as Christ followers.
Please plan to create the least amount of trash as possible. Unpack, unwrap, discard cardboard and plastic wraps before packing any items you bring with you. There is no trash removal "service" in either location we will be visiting. Consider buying any "new" clothing or shoe items you may need, at resale shops, Arc, Goodwill, etc. You may choose to leave some/all clothing or footwear items with our hosts to be distributed at their discretion.
Be sure to check the local temperatures for Nairobi and Eburru for our time of travel. Expect chilly nights because of altitude - Nairobi is 5,000+' asl (above sea level) and Eburru is +9000' asl. We will visit local schools, attend church, serve at the request of our hosts, share our personal testimonies, hike a mountain, walk daily on uneven dirt paths that are muddy, washed out and rocky and eat all our meals together. Weather ranges from warm/hot, cool/cold, calm/breezy, and sunny/rainy.

- Team reads (targeted for each team)
- Valid passport, drivers license, debit card (make photocopies to carry with you and an extra one to leave at home w/family or friend)
- Be certain you have 5-6 empty pages in your passport for visa stamps - you must have these in advance and cannot get during travel. Passport must not expire within 6 months of travel.
- Copy of eVISA and payment receipt
- Call your credit/debit card company ahead of time to alert them to international travel plans to Europe and Kenya
- Contact your phone carrier to notify them of your international travel locations and inquire about a temporary service package. You may prefer to get your phone unlocked so you can purchase a local SIM card in Nairobi.
- Cash, money belt, debit card (use ATM's in Nairobi/Naivasha, Kenya for best exchange rates)
- Water bottle
- Water purifier (pump, filter, pills, straw...)
- Snacks for between meals (granola/energy bars, raisins, beef/turkey jerky..)
- Powdered drink mix (Gatorade, crystal light, instant tea ... keep yourself hydrated/@ +5,000 and +9,000 ft asl)
- Sunglasses and backup pair
- Camera (chargers, a backup device for pictures, extra batteries, etc.)
- Clock with alarm/travel alarm
- Favorite and fun cards & games
- Bible, journal, pens
- Hat, visor (very intense sun on equator)
- Lightweight, casual clothes, socks, underwear, think layers, insulated wear, loose fitting
- Men, lightweight, long sleeve shirts and pants (no shorts) for day/jeans and heavier fabrics for evening
- Ladies, skirts (below the knee or longer, very loose fitting) or very loose fitting pants
- Ladies, loose fitting shirts that cover collar bones and shoulders (a heavier knit baggy t-shirt works)
- Church clothes (guys wear khakis/pants, women wear loose fitting long skirt and shirt)
- Lightweight jacket/windbreaker/raincoat (note "rain")
- Hiking boots/knock around boots/tennis shoes/comfortable for walking on rugged terrain and protect feet from snakes, insects, glass, nails, etc)
- Flip flops for around camp
- First aid/pharmacy Items
International travel tips from Randy...
Insights from traveler Pam...
In-Africa recommendations from Randy ...

TravelZoo's "20 Tips Before Traveling Internationally"...
World traveling guru Rick Steve's packing list...

For the never-ending search for jet lag wisdom...
All current prescription medications in Rx bottle/container
- Malaria meds, Cipro (can also bring Pepto Bismol/Immodium etc), Ibuprofen/Tylenol...
- Band-Aids, small first aid kit
- Sun screen/ aloe vera if you burn easily or forget to wear sunscreen
- Insect repellant, heavy duty
- Essential oils or homeopathic remedies for sunburn, bug bites, fever, scratches, headache, stomach upset ...
- Take high performance probiotics to prepare gut for African food/bacteria (for 3-4 weeks in advance)
- Motion sickness remedies, Oscillococcinum for any flu like symptoms
- Antibacterial soap/ hand sanitizer (bring little bottles to carry with you everywhere you go)
- Adult wipes for your shower on days you don't have access to one
- Contact lenses, cases, cleaner, storage, glasses (backup pair), eye drops
- Toiletries (toothbrush/paste, shampoo, body wash, towel, wash cloth, etc)
- Baby wipes to carry in backpack for easy and regular access
- Feminine needs with a plan for disposal (dark plastic, sealable bags)
- Sleeping bag and pillow
- Headlamp, and extra batteries
- Backpack to use daily (to carry raincoat, Bible, snacks, water bottle, medications, passport, ID, etc) Plan to carry essentials with you at all times including a photocopy of your passport
International travel tips from Randy...
- Noise canceling headset
- International recharging plugs
- Get through customs, transition security... to your gate, well in advance
- Stick together as a group/team
- Go everywhere with a great, multi-pocket pack
- Strategically sleep lonnnnng
- Pack healthy snacks
- Be especially healthy leading up to going. Walk, bike, hike, and/or run as preparation
- Leave keepsake, expensive items at home
Insights from traveler Pam...
- Bring a flexible attitude and team spirit
- Noise canceling headsets make a world of difference with your energy levels - leaving you so much more rested and clear minded when you reach your destinations
- Set watch to destination times when you board planes and pretend its your actual time. If it's nighttime, sleep, if daytime, read, stay awake, etc. Act like you are already at your destination whether its Europe or Kenya.
- Prepare your immune system for a full on attack while on the plane - consider 3 weeks of probiotics prior to travel, Airborne, vitamins, minerals, essential oils, etc.
- Be mindful about what you eat (think bowels loose or bound up, hydration, caffeine effects, sugar highs & lows, weakened immune system, etc)
- Bring sleep aids for flying and laxatives at destinations
- Move around during flight - stand for a time to keep your body from swelling and cramping
- Compression socks for long flights (approx 8+9=17 hrs flight time plus layover time/one way)
- Rain gear!!
- Wrap all clothes in sealable plastic bags for storage in hut
- Guard your water intake like its your job (quality and quantity)
In-Africa recommendations from Randy ...
- Sleeping bag (expect 40-50 degreeish nights)
- Crushable/inflatable pillow
- Night clothes, aka pajamas
- Day clothes - jeans for men
- Rain gear (easy to stow and go)
- Bug juice/cream (might consider something like a Cutter's vapor fan for your hut at night)
- Crucial personal medicine
- Hand and body wet wipes
- A journal, pen/pencil
- Lightweight or e-version bible
- Simple Spirituality
- Team mindset

TravelZoo's "20 Tips Before Traveling Internationally"...
- Bring copies of your passport.
- Leave a copy of your passport.
- Register with your embassy. .
- Check-in with your doctor and insurance carrier.
- Go to a bank or ATM in the country you’re visiting.
- Always have local cash.
- Bring a charger adapter.
- Pack an extra set of clothes in your carry-on bag.
- To check a bag or not to check bag. Each airline has its own set of guidelines as to how many bags can be checked or carried on for free. Make sure to look up what your airline’s rules are to avoid any incremental fees.
- Bring snacks.
World traveling guru Rick Steve's packing list...
- Sleepwear/loungewear
- Money belt
- Small daypack
- Small notepad and pen
- Journal
- Medicine and vitamins
- First-aid kit.
- Glasses/contacts/sunglasses.
- Sealable plastic baggies
- Small towel/washcloth
- Earplugs
- Water bottle
- Inflatable pillow
- Insect repellent.
- Small flashlight
- Tiny lock

For the never-ending search for jet lag wisdom...
- Rick Steve's "Conquering jet lag"
- Fordor's "Avoid jet lag with our top ten tips"
- Frommer's "How to beat jet lag"
- Secret Yumiverse's "Nine tips to overcoming jet lag" (great visual learning)
- Wall Street Journal's "To avoid jet lag, travel like a scientist"
- New York Times, The Getaway's "A battle plan for jet lag"
- Worst going east or going west: Washington Post (east); WebMD (generally east)...